BlockStrap Documentation

BS > Contact Form

Block Description

The BS > Contact Form Block is a very simple contact form designed to facilitate easy communication between visitors and website administrators. It’s simple to use and configure, providing a direct line of contact for inquiries, feedback, or other forms of engagement.

Block Features

The BS > Contact Form Block includes various useful features:

  • Configurable field labels and display types.
  • Flexible form fields with options for requirements or visibility.
  • Integration with Google reCAPTCHA for spam prevention.
  • Customizable email settings, including sender identification, recipient selection, and a custom message for successful form submission.
  • A fully customizable submit button with configurable style, size, color, and position.
  • Field styles that allow adjusting size and textarea rows.
  • Complete control over the wrapper styles like margins, padding, border color, and shadow.
  • Block visibility settings to control where and when the block appears.
  • An advanced option to apply additional custom CSS classes.

Block Options


  • Display
    • FIELD LABELS (Dropdown): Choose whether to hide field labels, place them at the top, or inline with the fields.
    • DISPLAY TYPE (Dropdown): Display the form inline, as a lightbox that opens with a button, or a lightbox that opens with another link.
  • Fields
    • NAME (Dropdown): Define the behavior of the Name field – options are Show, Hide, or Require.
    • EMAIL (Dropdown): Define the behavior of the Email field – options are Show, Hide, or Require.
    • PHONE (Dropdown): Define the behavior of the Phone field – options are Show, Hide, or Require.
    • SUBJECT (Dropdown): Define the behavior of the Subject field – options are Show, Hide, or Require.
    • MESSAGE (Dropdown): Define the behavior of the Message field – options are Show, Hide, or Require.
    • RECAPTCHA (Dropdown): Enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA functionality.
    • SUBMIT TEXT (Text Input): Customize the text for the submit button. Leave this field blank for translations.
  • Email
    • EMAIL NAME (Text Input): Identify the form emails with a custom name.
    • SEND TO (Dropdown): Select the recipient of the form submissions: Site Email, Post Author, or any registered user’s email.
    • SEND BCC (Dropdown): Choose a secondary recipient (BCC) for the form submissions: None, Site Email, Post Author, or any registered user’s email.
    • SENT MESSAGE (Text Input): Set the message that appears upon successful form submission.


  • Button
    • LINK STYLE (Dropdown): Define the button’s style.
    • SIZE (Dropdown): Choose the size of the button.
    • COLOR (Dropdown Color Palette): Select the button’s color.
    • POSITION (Dropdown): Determine the button’s alignment.
  • Field Styles
    • SIZE (Dropdown): Choose the size of the form fields.
    • TEXTAREA ROWS (Number Input): Determine the number of rows in the textarea fields.


  • Wrapper Styles
    • Margins (Input Fields): Set the margin values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block.
    • Padding (Input Fields): Adjust the padding values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block.
    • BORDER COLOR (Dropdown Color Palette): Select a border color for the block.
    • SHADOW (Dropdown): Choose an intensity level for a shadow effect around the block.
  • Visibility Conditions
    • BLOCK VISIBILITY (Set Block Visibility): Control where and when the block is visible based on specific conditions such as user roles or device size.
  • Advanced
    • ADDITIONAL CSS CLASS(ES) (Text Input): Add custom CSS classes to the block, separated by spaces. These can be used to target the block with additional CSS rules in your theme or custom CSS file.