When installed, the Blockstrap Theme creates a Blog Page. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add the Blog page menu item after the “About” menu item.
How to change the Blockstrap’s menu items, step-by-step.
1. Click Edit Site. This will open the site editor.

2. Click the Document Overview icon. A left column will reveal the list of elements available on your page.

3. Select the header template part, then click Edit.

4. In the left column, click the chevron icon next to BS Navbar.

5. Click the chevron icon next to the BS Nav

6. Click the Options Icon. Then click Add After

7. This will add a Paragraph block where we want the link. Next, type /BS Nav Item and select the BS Nav Item Block.

8. In the right column, under the Link Type option, select Page.

9. A new dropdown field named Page will appear. From there, select the Our Blog page.

10. In the input field below named Link Text, write the Anchor Text for the link. I will change it to Blog.

11. Click Save

12. If you wish to delete a navigation link, click the Options icon next to the link you want to remove, select delete from the drop-down menu, and save.

13. You can also duplicate a link and change its options. Remember to always save to avoid losing your work.