How to change the logo of Blockstrap, step-by-step.
1. Click Edit Site. This will open the site editor.

2. Click the Document Overview icon. A left column will reveal the list of elements available on your page.

3. Select the header template part, then click Edit.

4. In the left column, click the chevron icon next to BS Navbar.

5. Click the BS Navbar Brand block.

6. In the right column (block options), go to the Icon tab.

7. Click Clear to remove the current logo.

8. Click Upload Image to add a new logo. Or add Text/HTML to the textarea in the Text Tab above.

9. Upload a new logo or select an already uploaded image, then click Select.

9/b. Add text to the Textarea input field in the Text tab above the Icon tab. You can add HTML, too, and for example, you can add icons like Font Awesome or other CSS-based icons.

10. Finally, click the Save button.

11. Refresh the front end to see the new logo.

This process applies to all Blockstrap Child Themes, including the Directory Theme and the Real Estate Theme for WordPress.
Directory Theme

Real Estate Theme

Important: For these two Child themes, you will need to edit two header template parts: the regular Header and the Header Transparent.