BlockStrap Documentation

BS > Archive Actions

Block Description

The BS > Archive Actions Block of the BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks plugin is designed to display actions related to post archives on your WordPress website. This block can create filtering and sorting options when browsing your site’s post archives.

Block Features

The BS > Archive Actions Block can add interactive functionality to your post archive pages, making it easier for visitors to locate specific content. Options featured within this block include:

  • Filtering: The block enables you to add filter options based on categories. This allows users to refine the archive results by selecting the relevant category.
  • Sorting: You can implement sorting functionality, allowing users to sort the archive posts by various criteria, such as title, older, newer, or popular (comment count). This helps users find the content they seek more quickly and efficiently.

Block Usage

The BS > Archive Actions block is specifically designed to be used on archive pages.

As you’re using a Full Site Editing (FSE) theme, follow the steps below to open the blog archive and use the BS > Archive Actions block:

Open the WordPress Site Editor: Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, and go to “Appearance” > “Editor”.

Access the Archive Template: In the site editor, look for the template section in the navigation panel on the left-hand side. Here, you’ll find the “Archive” template. Click on it to start editing.

Add the BS > Archive Actions block: In the archive template, click the ‘+’ button to open the block library and search for “BS > Archive Actions”. Click on it to add it to your archive page.

Block options


bs > archive actions content
  • Actions
    • Hide Category Filter (checkbox): Enable this option to hide the category filter from the archive actions block. Users will not see the category filter option in the block by checking this box.
    • CATEGORY PLACEHOLDER (text input): Customize the placeholder text in the category filter box. This text will appear in the filter box when no category is selected. Enter your desired placeholder text in this field.
    • INCLUDE/EXCLUDE CATEGORIES (input): Specify which categories to include or exclude from the category filter dropdown. To include specific categories, enter a comma-separated list of category IDs (e.g., 21,8,43). To exclude specific categories, enter a negative list with a minus sign before each ID (e.g., -21,-8,-43). The default value for this input is empty.
    • Hide Sort By Filter (checkbox): Enable this option to hide the sort by filter from the archive actions block. By checking this box, users will not see the sort-by-filter option in the block.
    • SORT BY PLACEHOLDER (text input): Customize the placeholder text displayed in the sort by filter box. This text will appear in the filter box when no sorting option is selected. Enter your desired placeholder text in this field.


  • Dropdown
    • Hide Icon (checkbox): Enable this option to hide the dropdown icon in the category filter and sort by filter. By checking this box, users will not see the icon next to the filter options.
    • SIZE (dropdown): Select the size of the dropdown filters. Choose between different size options like small, medium, and large to fit your website’s design.
    • JUSTIFY CONTENT (dropdown): Align the content of the dropdown filters within the block. Choose from options like left, center, right, or justify to match the layout of your website.
  • Typography
    • FONT SIZE (slider): Adjust the font size of the text in the dropdown filters. Use the slider to select a value or input a custom value in the provided field.
    • APPEARANCE (dropdown): Customize the font appearance of the text in the dropdown filters. Choose between options like regular, italic, bold, or bold italic to fit your website’s typography style.
    • LETTER CASE (dropdown): Set the letter casing for the text in the dropdown filters. Choose from options like uppercase, lowercase, or title case to create the desired text style.


  • Wrapper Styles
    • Margins (input fields): Adjust the margin values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block. Enter custom values in the respective input fields to control the space surrounding the block.
    • Padding (input fields): Modify the padding values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block. Enter custom values in the respective input fields to control the space between the block’s content and its border.
    • BORDER COLOR (color picker): Customize the border color of the block. Use the color picker to select a color, or input a custom color value in the provided field.
    • SHADOW (dropdown): Apply a box-shadow to the block. Choose between different shadow options like small, medium, large, or none to create the desired depth effect.
  • Advanced
    • ADDITIONAL CSS CLASS(ES) (input field): Add custom CSS classes to the block to apply your own styling. Enter one or multiple class names, separated by spaces, in the input field. These custom classes can be used to target the block with additional CSS rules defined in your theme or custom CSS file.