BlockStrap Documentation

BS > Post Info

Block Description

The BS > Post Info Block is designed to present key post metadata information, with various customization options available to match your site’s design requirements. This includes Author, Date Published, Date Updated, Comments, Taxonomy, Read Time, and even a Custom option for added flexibility.

Block Features

  • Display various types of metadata
  • Option to hyperlink metadata
  • Customizable icon choice
  • Text options for Before and After metadata
  • Range of styles available for link appearance
  • Extensive typography settings
  • Comprehensive Wrapper Styles and Advanced settings
  • Visibility conditions for controlling block appearance
  • Option to apply additional CSS classes

Block Options


  • Meta:
    • Link Type (dropdown): Choose which type of metadata to display, options range from Author, Date Published, Date Updated, Comments, Taxonomy, Read Time, to Custom.
    • Is link (checkbox): Toggle to determine whether the metadata should be clickable as a link.
    • Icon (dropdown): Select between a default or custom icon to display with the metadata.
    • Icon Class (text input): Input the class for your chosen custom icon.
    • Before (text input): Specify any text that should appear before the metadata.
    • After (text input): Specify any text that should appear after the metadata.


  • Link Styles:
    • Link Style (dropdown): Define how the metadata link should appear, with options such as None, Button, Button rounded, Button Icon Circle, Iconbox bordered, Iconbox filled, Badge, and Badge rounded.
    • Padding (input fields): Adjust the padding values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the link block.
    • Link Divider (dropdown): Choose where a divider should appear relative to the metadata link, options are none, left, or right.
  • Typography:
    • Text Color (dropdown): Pick the text color from your theme’s color palette.
    • Font Size (dropdown): Determine the size of the text.
    • Text justify (checkbox): Check to justify the text.
    • Text Align (dropdown): Set the alignment of the text.
    • Appearance (dropdown): Decide how the text should appear (bold, italic, etc).


  • Wrapper Styles:
    • Margins (input fields): Adjust the margin values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block.
    • Padding (input fields): Modify the padding values for the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the block.
    • Border Color (dropdown): Select the border color from your theme’s color palette.
    • Shadow (dropdown): Choose whether a shadow should appear around the block, and how it should look.
    • Position (dropdown): Define the position of the block.
    • Display (dropdown): Set how the block should be displayed.
    • Z-index (dropdown): Control the stack order of the block relative to other elements on the page.
  • Visibility Conditions:
    • Block Visibility (dropdown): Set conditions for when the block should appear.
  • Advanced:
    • Additional CSS Class(es) (input field): Apply custom CSS classes to the block for further customization. Enter one or more class names, separated by spaces, in the input field. These custom classes can be used to target the block with additional CSS rules defined in your theme or custom CSS file.