BlockStrap Documentation

List of Gutenberg Blocks Available in BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks Plugin

BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks is a versatile plugin that offers a collection of 26 Bootstrap-based Gutenberg blocks, allowing you to easily build and customize your WordPress site with headers, footers, menus, and more. BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks plugin makes it simple to create and manage content on your site, even for users with no prior experience.

Blocks The BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks plugin offers the following 26 Gutenberg blocks:

  1. BS > Archive Actions
    • Display actions related to post archives (e.g. filtering, sorting)
  2. BS > Archive Title
    • Show the title of the current post archive
  3. BS > Breadcrumb
    • Add a navigation breadcrumb to indicate the user’s location within the site
  4. BS > Button
    • Insert customizable buttons with various styles and actions
  5. BS > Container
    • Create responsive container sections for your content
  6. BS > Counter
    • Display numerical counters with customizable styles and animations
  7. BS > Gallery
    • Add responsive image galleries with various layout options
  8. BS > Heading
    • Insert headings with various styles and formatting options
  9. BS > Icon Box
    • Add icon boxes with customizable icons, text, and styles
  10. BS > Image
    • Insert responsive images with customizable size, alignment, and styles
  11. BS > Map
    • Embed interactive maps with customizable settings
  12. BS > Nav
    • Create responsive navigation menus with various styles and formats
  13. BS > Nav Dropdown
    • Add dropdown menus within your navigation
  14. BS > Nav Item
    • Insert individual menu items in your navigation
  15. BS > Navbar
    • Create a responsive, customizable navbar for your site
  16. BS > Navbar Brand
    • Add branding elements to your navbar, such as logos or text
  17. BS > Pagination
    • Include pagination navigation for multi-page content
  18. BS > Post Excerpt
    • Display post excerpts with customizable styles
  19. BS > Post Info
    • Show metadata related to a post (e.g. author, date, categories)
  20. BS > Post Title
    • Display the title of a post with customizable styles
  21. BS > Search
    • Add a search box for users to search your site
  22. BS > Shape Divider
    • Insert visually appealing dividers between content sections
  23. BS > Share
    • Include social sharing buttons for various platforms
  24. BS > Skip Links
    • Add accessibility-friendly skip links for easy navigation
  25. BS > Tab
    • Create individual tabs within a tabbed content section
  26. BS > Tabs
    • Add responsive, customizable tabbed content sections to your site
  27. BS > Accordion
    • allows you to create collapsible content sections on your website.
  28. BS > Accordion Item
    • is a sub-component of the BS > Accordion that represents a single panel in the accordion.

By using these Gutenberg blocks provided by the BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks plugin, anyone can quickly and easily harness the Bootstrap Framework and design and manage content on their WordPress websites.
